“TreeSearch” can be used to search for trees that are optimal under user-specified criteria (e.g. Hopkins & St. John, 2021).
All that is needed is to provide a function that will return a score for a given tree (and dataset).
First we’ll load the necessary R libraries:
We’ll start with a very simple case: aiming to minimise the total
cophenetic index [TIC; Mir, Rosselló, &
Rotger (2013)] of a tree. The TCI is a measure of tree balance;
it does not depend on an input dataset. All we need to do is to write a
This function will be sent the parent
nodes for each edge in a tree, and a (here, empty)
parameter. The function should return a score to be
Here, we can use a copy of our starting tree as a template, to be
populated with the rearranged parent
and child
TCIScore <- function(parent, child, dataset) {
tree$edge <- cbind(parent, child)
TCIScore(tree$edge[, 1], tree$edge[, 2], NA)
## [1] 56
Now we can use our scorer for tree search. We need to initialize some
parameters to TreeSearch()
with null values:
dataset = EmptyPhyDat(tree)
sends a blank dataset (as our
tree scorer doesn’t require any data); we set
InitializeData = DoNothing
CleanUpData = DoNothing
because we don’t need to do
anything to dataset
before it is sent to
result <- TreeSearch(tree, dataset = EmptyPhyDat(tree),
InitializeData = DoNothing, CleanUpData = DoNothing,
TreeScorer = TCIScore,
maxIter = 50L, maxHits = 10L,
verbosity = 1L)
## - Performing tree search. Initial score: 56
## - Final score 33 found 1 times after 50 rearrangements.
Let’s make things slightly more complex, and try to find the tree
that is most different from a starting tree. Notice that
aims to minimize the output of
, so we negate the tree distance
(which we aim to maximize) before returning it.
startTree <- BalancedTree(8)
DistanceScore <- function(parent, child, dataset) {
tmpTree <- startTree
tmpTree$edge <- cbind(parent, child)
distance <- TreeDist::ClusteringInfoDistance(startTree, tmpTree)
# Return:
result <- TreeSearch(RandomTree(8, root = TRUE), dataset = EmptyPhyDat(tree),
InitializeData = DoNothing, CleanUpData = DoNothing,
TreeScorer = DistanceScore,
maxIter = 50L, maxHits = 10L,
verbosity = 1L)
## - Performing tree search. Initial score: -6.75488750216347
## - Final score -7.87744375108174 found 1 times after 50 rearrangements.
Now we consider a more complex case in which a scorer must undergo a time-consuming initialization before tree search can begin, and must be safely destroyed once tree search has completed.
We start by defining an initialization function, which will create a new Morphy object (Brazeau, Smith, & Guillerme, 2017) for each character in a phylogenetic dataset:
IWInitMorphy <- function (dataset) {
attr(dataset, "morphyObjs") <-
lapply(PhyToString(dataset, byTaxon = FALSE, useIndex = FALSE,
concatenate = FALSE),
# Return:
To release memory back to the operating system, we must destroy each Morphy object once we’re finished with it:
IWDestroyMorphy <- function (dataset) {
vapply(attr(dataset, "morphyObjs"), UnloadMorphy, integer(1))
Now we can write our tree scoring function, which will return the ‘fit’ under implied weights (Goloboff, 1993).
Note that we need to specify some extra parameters:
is the k value required by the implied
weights formula (fit = e / e + k), and minLength
is the minimum number of steps required by each character – which we
need in order to convert the total number of steps (returned by
to a number of excess steps (e in
the implied weights formula)
IWScoreMorphy <- function (parent, child, dataset, concavity = 10L,
minLength = attr(dataset, "min.length"), ...) {
steps <- vapply(attr(dataset, "morphyObjs"), MorphyLength,
parent = parent, child = child, integer(1))
homoplasies <- steps - minLength
fit <- homoplasies / (homoplasies + concavity)
# Return:
sum(fit * attr(dataset, "weight"))
Now we are ready to search:
dataset <- congreveLamsdellMatrices[[42]]
# Populate `min.length` attribute
dataset <- PrepareDataIW(dataset)
iwTree <- TreeSearch(NJTree(dataset), dataset,
InitializeData = IWInitMorphy,
CleanUpData = IWDestroyMorphy,
TreeScorer = IWScoreMorphy,
concavity = 10, # Will be sent to TreeScorer
verbosity = 1)
This quick search probably hasn’t found the globally optimal tree.
Besides increasing the number of hits and rearrangements, the parsimony
ratchet (Nixon, 1999) can help to escape
local optima. This introduces an additional complication: we need to
bootstrap the characters within dataset
, and their
accompanying Morphy objects.
A Bootstraper
function expects an edgeList
(a list of the parent and child of each edge in a tree, in turn) and a
argument, and conducts a tree search, starting at
, on a bootstrapped version of the dataset. It is
also sent the arguments maxIter = bootstrapIter
maxHits = bootstrapHits
, allowing ratchet search intensity
to be controlled from parameters sent to the Ratchet()
IWBootstrap <- function (edgeList, dataset, concavity = 10L, EdgeSwapper = NNISwap,
maxIter, maxHits, verbosity = 1L, ...) {
att <- attributes(dataset)
startWeights <- att[["weight"]]
# Decompress phyDat object so each character is listed once
eachChar <- seq_along(startWeights)
deindexedChars <- rep.int(eachChar, startWeights)
# Resample characters
resampling <- tabulate(sample(deindexedChars, replace = TRUE), length(startWeights))
sampled <- resampling != 0
sampledData <- lapply(dataset, function (x) x[sampled])
sampledAtt <- att
sampledAtt[["weight"]] <- resampling[sampled]
sampledAtt[["index"]] <- rep.int(seq_len(sum(sampled)), resampling[sampled])
sampledAtt[["min.length"]] <- minLength <- att[["min.length"]][sampled]
sampledAtt[["morphyObjs"]] <- att[["morphyObjs"]][sampled]
attributes(sampledData) <- sampledAtt
# Search using resampled dataset
res <- EdgeListSearch(edgeList[1:2], sampledData, TreeScorer = IWScoreMorphy,
concavity = concavity, minLength = minLength,
EdgeSwapper = EdgeSwapper,
maxIter = maxIter, maxHits = maxHits,
verbosity = verbosity - 1L)
Having defined the Bootstrapper()
function we can now
complete a Ratchet search with:
ratchetTree <- Ratchet(tree = iwTree, dataset = dataset,
concavity = 10,
InitializeData = IWInitMorphy,
CleanUpData = IWDestroyMorphy,
TreeScorer = IWScoreMorphy,
Bootstrapper = IWBootstrap,
ratchIter = 2, ratchHits = 2,
searchIter = 20, searchHits = 10,
verbosity = 2)
It would be sensible to use much larger values of
, ratchHits
, searchIter
and searchHits
to be confident of locating an optimal tree.
And note that in this specific case, implied weights tree search with
the parsimony ratchet is implemented much more efficiently with
MaximizeParsimony(concavity = k)
Hopefully these examples give a template from which you are able to construct your own optimality criteria. The maintainer is happy to answer questions via e-mail, or you can file queries by opening a GitHub issue.
You might want to:
Load data from a Nexus file or spreadsheet
Conduct parsimony search using Brazeau, Guillerme & Smith’s approach to inapplicable data, or using Profile parsimony.
See also: