Title: | Distance Metrics for Trees Generated by Congreve and Lamsdell |
Description: | Includes the 100 datasets simulated by Congreve and Lamsdell (2016) <doi:10.1111/pala.12236>, and analyses of the partition and quartet distance of reconstructed trees from the generative tree, as analysed by Smith (2019) <doi:10.1098/rsbl.2018.0632>. |
Authors: | Martin R. Smith [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: | Martin R. Smith <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.0.3 |
Built: | 2025-02-23 04:19:59 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/ms609/congrevelamsdell2016 |
Consistency indices of Congreve & Lamsdell datasets.
An object of class numeric
of length 100.
Default colours for analyses.
An object of class character
of length 8.
Sets up a blank ternary plot ready for analytical results to be added.
clInitializeTernaryQuarts( zoom = 1, padding = 0.1, gridLines = 10, fontSize = 1, gridCol = "#DBDBDB", backgroundCol = "#FDFDFE", xLim = c(0, 1/zoom) - 0.01, yLim = c(0.5 - (1/zoom), 0.5), isometric = TRUE ) clInitializeTernarySplits( fontSize = 1, xLim = NULL, yLim = NULL, gridCol = "#DBDBDB", backgroundCol = "#FDFDFE", padding = 0.1, isometric = TRUE )
clInitializeTernaryQuarts( zoom = 1, padding = 0.1, gridLines = 10, fontSize = 1, gridCol = "#DBDBDB", backgroundCol = "#FDFDFE", xLim = c(0, 1/zoom) - 0.01, yLim = c(0.5 - (1/zoom), 0.5), isometric = TRUE ) clInitializeTernarySplits( fontSize = 1, xLim = NULL, yLim = NULL, gridCol = "#DBDBDB", backgroundCol = "#FDFDFE", padding = 0.1, isometric = TRUE )
zoom |
Level of magnification (times), used to adjust ticks and scale. |
padding |
Padding, passed to |
gridLines |
Number of grid lines, passed to |
fontSize |
Font size, passed to |
gridCol |
Colour, passed to |
backgroundCol |
Background colour, passed to |
xLim , yLim
x and y limits, passed to |
isometric |
Logical specifying whether plot should be isometric, passed
to |
: Initialize ternary plots for
partition plotting.
Contains the 100 simulated matrices generated by Congreve & Lamsdell (2016) using a heterogeneous Markov-k model, generated from the clReferenceTree topology, with all branches sharing an equal length.
clPhyDat clMatrices
clPhyDat clMatrices
: A list with 100 entries, each comprising a phyDat object
of 55 characters for 22 taxa.
: A list with 100 entries, each comprising a list of character
tokens for each simulated character, as read from raw nexus files using
. The four dummy 'characters' have been removed.
An object of class list
of length 100.
Congreve, C. R. & Lamsdell, J. C. (2016). Implied weighting and its utility in palaeontological datasets: a study using modelled phylogenetic matrices. Palaeontology 59(3), 447–465. doi:10.1111/pala.12236.
Congreve, C. R. & Lamsdell, J. C. (2016). Data from: Implied weighting and its utility in palaeontological datasets: a study using modelled phylogenetic matrices. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.7dq0j.
Plots the results of the analyses of the Congreve & Lamsdell (2016) datasets.
clPlotQuartets( dataset, tree, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotAverageQuartets( dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotTheseAverageQuartets(dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = "black", ...) clPlotSplits( dataset, tree, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotTheseAverageSplits(dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = "black", ...) clPlotTheseBestAverageSplits(dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = "black", ...) clPlotAverageSplits( dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotBestAverageSplits( dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... )
clPlotQuartets( dataset, tree, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotAverageQuartets( dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotTheseAverageQuartets(dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = "black", ...) clPlotSplits( dataset, tree, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotTheseAverageSplits(dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = "black", ...) clPlotTheseBestAverageSplits(dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = "black", ...) clPlotAverageSplits( dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... ) clPlotBestAverageSplits( dataset, cex = 1.1, pch = 2, col = CongreveLamsdell2016::clColours, ... )
dataset |
Dataset to plot, for example |
tree |
Integer specifying which tree to plot. |
cex , pch , ...
Graphical parameters to pass to
col |
Named vector specifying colours to use to plot each analysis,
named to match |
Returns invisible.
: Plots average across all 100 trees.
: Plot average for single dataset across all 100 trees.
: Splits equivalent of clPlotQuartets
: Splits equivalent of clPlotTheseAverageQuartets
: Splits equivalent of clPlotTheseBestAverageQuartets
: Splits equivalent of clPlotAverageQuartets
: Splits equivalent of clPlotAverageQuartets
Martin R. Smith
The tree topology used to generate the matrices in clMatrices
Congreve & Lamsdell (2016).
A single phylogenetic tree saved as an object of class phylo
Congreve & Lamsdell (2016).
Congreve, C. R. & Lamsdell, J. C. (2016). Implied weighting and its utility in palaeontological datasets: a study using modelled phylogenetic matrices. Palaeontology 59(3), 447–465. doi:10.1111/pala.12236.
Congreve, C. R. & Lamsdell, J. C. (2016). Data from: Implied weighting and its utility in palaeontological datasets: a study using modelled phylogenetic matrices. Dryad Digital Repository. doi:10.5061/dryad.7dq0j.
data(clReferenceTree) if (requireNamespace("ape", quietly = TRUE)) plot(clReferenceTree)
data(clReferenceTree) if (requireNamespace("ape", quietly = TRUE)) plot(clReferenceTree)
Distance of CL trees from generative tree.
clBremQuartets clBremPartitions clMkvPartitions clMkvQuartets clBootFreqPartitions clBootFreqQuartets clJackFreqPartitions clJackFreqQuartets clBootGcPartitions clBootGcQuartets clJackGcPartitions clJackGcQuartets
clBremQuartets clBremPartitions clMkvPartitions clMkvQuartets clBootFreqPartitions clBootFreqQuartets clJackFreqPartitions clJackFreqQuartets clBootGcPartitions clBootGcQuartets clJackGcPartitions clJackGcQuartets
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class array
of dimension 21 x 8 x 100.
An object of class array
of dimension 21 x 7 x 100.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
An object of class list
of length 7.
For each of the 100 matrices generated by Congreve & Lamsdell (2016), I conducted phylogenetic analysis under different methods:
: using the Markov K model in MrBayes;
: using equal weights in TNT;
, k2
, k3
, k5
, kX
: using implied weights in TNT, with the concavity constant (k) set to 1, 2, 3, 5, or 10;
: by taking the strict consensus of all trees recovered by implied weights parsimony analysis under the k values 2, 3, 5 and 10 (but not 1).
For each analysis, I recorded the strict consensus of all optimal trees, and also the consensus of trees that were suboptimal by a specified degree.
I then calculated, of the total number of quartets or partitions that were resolved in the reference tree, how many were the same or different in the tree that resulted from the phylogenetic analysis, and how many were not resolved in this tree (r2).
The data object contains a list whose elements are named after the methods, as listed above.
Each list entry is a three-dimensional array, whose dimensions are:
The suboptimality of the tree. Different measures of node support are employed:
* `Mkv`: Posterior probabilities, at 2.5\% intervals (50\%, 52.5\%, ... 97.5\%, 100\%). * `Brem`: Bremer supports: the consensus of all trees that are (equal weights) 0, 1, .... 19, 20 steps less optimal than the optimal tree (implied weights: the consensus of all trees that are 0.73^(19:0) less optimal than the optimal tree). * `Boot`: Bootstrap supports (symmetric resampling, _p_ = 0.33). * `Jack`: Jackknife supports (_p_ = 0.36). `Boot` and `Jack` results are reported both as the `freq`uency of splits among replicates, and using the `gc` (Groups Present / Contradicted) measure (Goloboff _et al_. 2003); frequency columns correspond to 100\%, 97.5\%, 95\% ... 0\% support; gc columns correspond to 100\%, 95\%, ... 0\% present, 5\%, 10\%, ... 100\% contradicted.
Counts of the condition of each quartet or partition:
* `Q`: The total number of quartets defined on 22 taxa. * `N`: The total number of partitions present, counting each tree separately. * `P1`: The number of partitions in tree 1 (the reconstructed tree). * `P2`: The number of partitions in tree 2 (the generative tree). * `s`: The number of quartets or partitions resolved identically in each tree. * `d`: The number of quartets resolved differently in each tree. * `d1`: The number of partitions resolved in tree 1, but contradicted by tree 2. * `d2`: The number of partitions resolved in tree 2, but contradicted by tree 1. * `r1`: The number of partitions or quartets resolved in tree 1 that are neither present in nor contradicted by tree 2. * `r2`: The number of partitions or quartets resolved in tree 2 that are neither present in nor contradicted by tree 1. * `u`: The number of quartets that are not resolved in either tree.
The number of the matrix, from 1 to 100.
Congreve, C. R. & Lamsdell, J. C. (2016). Implied weighting and its utility in palaeontological datasets: a study using modelled phylogenetic matrices. Palaeontology 59(3), 447–465. doi:10.1111/pala.12236.
Goloboff, P. A., J. S. Farris, M. Källersjö, B. Oxelman, M. J. Ramírez, and C. A. Szumik. 2003. Improvements to resampling measures of group support. Cladistics 19, 324–332. doi:10.1016/S0748-3007(03)00060-4.